Learn How Care Management Help Your Loved Ones Live The Best Life.

An Informative Interview.


Podcast with Karen Greene, Founder of Hired Hearts

An Introduction to Care Management Services. Karen Partelow Interviewed with Marcia Teele Of Caregiver Solutions Info.


Benefits of Bridging: Long Term Care Planning and Geriatric Care Management

Podcast with Karen Greene, Founder of Hired Hearts

The Hired Hearts Show With Karen Partelow: Then and Now

Podcast with Karen Greene, Founder of Hired Hearts

The Hired Hearts Show with Karen Partelow: Elder Law

Podcast with Karen Greene, Founder of Hired Hearts

Different Like Me Culture Show: Care Management and Guardianship

Hired Hearts, Inc.

9770 S. Military Trail
B-4 Suite 202
Boynton Beach, FL 33436


Phone: 561-432-7800
Fax: 561-880-8018
Email: karen@hiredhearts.com